It is only by getting to know you, your business, your unique needs, and data, that Dhurin can create solutions that really fit you well. No matter which of the below describes you as a client, Dhurin has you covered.

  • You believe in data-driven decisions. You want to use data science. You believe you should be able to do it on your own. You have dabbled in decision trees, neural networks, support vector machines, gradient boosting, naïve bayes and random forests. You have tried your hand at data lakes, data marts, ETLs and ELTs. Some of it worked and worked well. Some of it could have worked better. You wished you had more helping hands. You wished you could rely more on the data you had.


  • You know your business the best. Your instinct and intuition have worked well so far. You also know it is time to up your game, as the business landscape is changing rapidly or just that the nuance has grown. You are interested in ‘’why is something happening the way it is happening?” Or you are wondering “what will happen next?”


  • You are great at what you do. And you are sitting on valuable data that you believe should yield insights. You believe time and money invested in data science will yield results.


We know how to support you in the journey to compete on data science. We may know why some of your experiments worked and others did not.

We would love to talk to you about all this and more, regardless of whether we will end up working together or not. Welcome to Dhurin.

Why hiring just any AI/ML firm may not serve your purpose…

  • Many of the data science firms today play to the hype of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML); but these methods are neither the panacea nor the holy grail to solving all business problems.
  • Much of the AI/ML enthusiasm feeds off the successes scored by the “Big Tech”. The AI/ML firms surely create excitement—but then there are ground realities and ambiguities that businesses need to deal with. And it does not always make for a fruitful dialogue between the firms and the people seeking their help.
  • Some of the new AI/ML skills attracting media attention are not skills for better solving the real problem of inference from data; they are skills dealing with large-scale computing. They are two very distinct issues. And one doesn’t solve the other.
  • Deep learning not used responsibly and developed in a haphazard manner not only fails to deliver, but also shakes the frontline’s belief in its usage. Often, the hand holding needed for successful adaption of data science is plain missing.
  • With increasing technological prowess, we see a distinct and increasing bias towards pure computational methods. At times it is easy to lose context and run the risk of falling into a mercenary approach.

At Dhurin, we go to great lengths to understand your unique challenges and pain points. Rather than prescribe a one-size-fits-all solution, we choose a method that is appropriate for the problem at hand.

In doing so, we will be with you every step of the way. And we will not be disappointed if every problem we solve does not call for a fancy optimization of the hyperparameters of an eXtreme Gradient Boosting’ algorithm.

Get your data science journey started